Toto 1.0.10 documentation



Source code for toto.dbconnection

from toto.exceptions import *
from toto.session import *
import toto.secret as secret
from time import time
import random
import string
from toto.tasks import InstancePool

[docs]class DBConnection(object): '''Toto uses subclasses of DBConnection to support session and account storage as well as general access to the backing database. Usually, direct access to the underlying database driver will be available via the ``DBConnection.db`` property. Currently, toto provides the following ``DBConnection`` drivers: * ``toto.mongodbconnection.MongoDBConnection`` * ``toto.mysqldbconnection.MySQLdbConnection`` * ``toto.postgresconnection.PostgresConnection`` * ``toto.redisconnection.RedisConnection`` * ``toto.jsondbconnection.JSONConnection`` (For debugging only) ''' _session_cache = None def __init__(self, session_ttl=24*60*60*365, anon_session_ttl=24*60*60, session_renew=0, anon_session_renew=0, *args, **kwargs): self.session_ttl = session_ttl self.anon_session_ttl = anon_session_ttl or self.session_ttl self.session_renew = session_renew or self.session_ttl self.anon_session_renew = anon_session_renew or self.anon_session_ttl
[docs] def create_account(self, user_id, password, additional_values={}, **values): '''Create an account for the given ``user_id`` and ``password``. Optionally set additional account values by passing them as keyword arguments (the ``additional_values`` parameter is deprecated). Note: if your database uses a predefined schema, make sure to create the appropriate columns before passing additional arguments to ``create_account``. ''' if not user_id: raise TotoException(ERROR_INVALID_USER_ID, "Invalid user ID.") user_id = user_id.lower() account = self._get_account(user_id) if account: raise TotoException(ERROR_USER_ID_EXISTS, "User ID already in use.") values.update(additional_values) values['user_id'] = user_id values['password'] = secret.password_hash(password) self._store_account(user_id, values)
[docs] def create_session(self, user_id=None, password=None, verify_password=True, key=None): '''Create a new session for the account with the given ``user_id`` and ``password``, or an anonymous session if anonymous sessions are enabled. This method returns a subclass of ``TotoSession`` designed for the current backing database. Pass ``verify_password=False`` to create a session without checking the password. This feature can be used to implement alternative authentication methods like Facebook, Twitter or Google+. ''' if not user_id: user_id = '' user_id = user_id.lower() account = user_id and self._get_account(user_id) if user_id and (not account or (verify_password and not secret.verify_password(password, account['password']))): raise TotoException(ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND, "Invalid user ID or password") session_id = TotoSession.generate_id() expires = time() + (user_id and self.session_ttl or self.anon_session_ttl) session_data = {'user_id': user_id, 'expires': expires, 'session_id': session_id} if key: session_data['key'] = key self._prepare_session(account, session_data) if not self._cache_session_data(session_data): self._store_session(session_id, session_data) session = self._instantiate_session(session_data, self._session_cache) return session
[docs] def retrieve_session(self, session_id): '''Retrieve an existing session with the given ``session_id``. This method returns a subclass of ``TotoSession`` designed for the current backing database. The use of HTTPS is strongly recommended for any communication involving sensitive information. ''' session_data = self._load_session_data(session_id) if not session_data: return None user_id = session_data['user_id'] expires = time() + (user_id and self.session_renew or self.anon_session_renew) if session_data['expires'] < expires: session_data['expires'] = expires if not self._cache_session_data(session_data): self._update_expiry(session_id, session_data) session = self._instantiate_session(session_data, self._session_cache) return session
[docs] def change_password(self, user_id, password, new_password): '''Updates the password for the account with the given ``user_id`` and ``password`` to match ``new_password`` for all future requests. ''' user_id = user_id.lower() account = self._get_account(user_id) if not account or not secret.verify_password(password, account['password']): raise TotoException(ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND, "Invalid user ID or password") self._update_password(user_id, account, secret.password_hash(new_password))
[docs] def generate_password(self, user_id): '''Generates a new password for the account with the given ``user_id`` and makes it active for all future requests. The new password will be returned. This method is designed to support "forgot password" functionality. ''' user_id = user_id.lower() account = self._get_account(user_id) if not account: raise TotoException(ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND, "Invalid user ID") pass_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits new_password = ''.join([random.choice(pass_chars) for x in xrange(10)]) self._update_password(user_id, account, secret.password_hash(new_password)) return new_password
[docs] def remove_session(self, session_id): '''Invalidate the session with the given ``session_id``. ''' if self._session_cache: self._session_cache.remove_session(session_id) else: self._remove_session(session_id)
[docs] def _remove_session(self, session_id): '''Called by ``DBConnection.remove_session`` to invalidate the specified session when no session cache is in use. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def clear_sessions(self, user_id): '''If implemented, invalidates all sessions tied to the account with the given ``user_id``. ''' pass
[docs] def set_session_cache(self, session_cache): '''Optionally set an instance of ``TotoSessionCache`` that will be used to store sessions separately from this database. ''' self._session_cache = session_cache
def _load_session_data(self, session_id): '''Called by ``DBConnection.retrieve_session``. Will attempt to load data from an associated ``TotoSessionCache``. If no ``TotoSessionCache`` is associated with the current instance, the result of ``self._load_uncached_data(session_id)`` is returned. ''' if self._session_cache: return self._session_cache.load_session(session_id) return self._load_uncached_data(session_id)
[docs] def _load_uncached_data(self, session_id): '''Load a session data ``dict`` from the local database. Called by default and if no ``TotoSessionCache`` has been associated with the current instance of ``DBConnection``. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
def _cache_session_data(self, session_data): '''Called by ``DBConnection.create_session`` and by ``DBConnection.retrieve_session`` if there is a change in ``TotoSession.expires``. Returns ``True`` if the session has been written to an associated ``TotoSessionCache``, ``False`` otherwise. ''' if self._session_cache: updated_session_id = self._session_cache.store_session(session_data) if updated_session_id: session_data['session_id'] = updated_session_id return True return False
[docs] def _store_session(self, session_id, session_data): '''Called by ``DBConnection.create_session``, and by ``DBConnection.retrieve_session`` if there is a change in ``TotoSession.expires``. Will not be called if a session cache has been attached to the ``DBConnection``. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _update_expiry(self, session_id, session_data): '''Called by ``DBConnection.retrieve_session`` if there is a change in ``TotoSession.expires`` to allow optional efficient updates. If not implemented, ``self._store_session`` will be called. ''' return self._store_session(session_id, session_data)
[docs] def _update_password(self, user_id, hashed_password): '''Called by ``DBConnection.change_password`` and ``DBConnection.generate_password``. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _instantiate_session(self, session_data, session_cache): '''Called by ``DBConnection.create_session`` and by ``DBConnection.retrieve_session`` to actually instantiate a ``TotoSession`` instance. Must return a new ``TotoSession``. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _get_account(self, user_id): '''Called by ``DBConnection.create_session`` if ``verify_password=True`` and must return a dictionry containing at least the pair ``'password':<hashed_password``. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _prepare_session(self, account, session_data): '''Called by ``DBConnection.create_session`` before the session is written to the database to allow for the addition of any extra data that may be needed by the ``subclass.TotoSession`` implementation. ''' pass
[docs] def _store_account(self, user_id, values): '''Must be implemented in subclasses to persist new accounts to the database. Values is a dictionary that will contain, at a minimum, ``user_id`` and ``password``. ``password`` will be the hashed password passed to ``self.create_account()``. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
from tornado.options import define, options define("database", metavar='mysql|mongodb|redis|postgres|json|none', default="none", help="the database driver to use") define("db_host", default='localhost', help="The host to use for database connections.") define("db_port", default=0, help="The port to use for database connections. Leave this at zero to use the default for the selected database type") define("mysql_database", type=str, help="Main MySQL schema name") define("mysql_user", type=str, help="Main MySQL user") define("mysql_password", type=str, help="Main MySQL user password") define("mysql_uuid_account_id", default=False, help="Use binary(16) UUIDs for account_id in MySQL databases instead of int(8) unsigned auto_increment. UUID(bytes=handler.session.account_id) can be used to get a UUID representing the account_id.") define("postgres_database", type=str, help="Main Postgres database name") define("postgres_user", type=str, help="Main Postgres user") define("postgres_password", type=str, help="Main Postgres user password") define("postgres_min_connections", type=int, default=1, help="The minimum number of connections to keep in the Postgres connection pool") define("postgres_max_connections", type=int, default=100, help="The maximum number of connections to keep in the Postgres connection pool") define("mongodb_database", default="toto_server", help="MongoDB database") define("redis_database", default=0, help="Redis DB") define("session_ttl", default=24*60*60*365, help="The number of seconds after creation a session should expire") define("anon_session_ttl", default=24*60*60, help="The number of seconds after creation an anonymous session should expire") define("session_renew", default=0, help="The number of seconds before a session expires that it should be renewed, or zero to renew on every request") define("anon_session_renew", default=0, help="The number of seconds before an anonymous session expires that it should be renewed, or zero to renew on every request") def configured_connection(): '''Returns a new database connection based on the configuration options ''' if options.database == "mongodb": from mongodbconnection import MongoDBConnection return MongoDBConnection(options.db_host, options.db_port or 27017, options.mongodb_database, session_ttl=options.session_ttl, anon_session_ttl=options.anon_session_ttl, session_renew=options.session_renew, anon_session_renew=options.anon_session_renew) elif options.database == "redis": from redisconnection import RedisConnection return RedisConnection(options.db_host, options.db_port or 6379, options.redis_database, session_ttl=options.session_ttl, anon_session_ttl=options.anon_session_ttl, session_renew=options.session_renew, anon_session_renew=options.anon_session_renew) elif options.database == "mysql": from mysqldbconnection import MySQLdbConnection return MySQLdbConnection('%s:%s' % (options.db_host, options.db_port or 3306), options.mysql_database, options.mysql_user, options.mysql_password, session_ttl=options.session_ttl, anon_session_ttl=options.anon_session_ttl, session_renew=options.session_renew, anon_session_renew=options.anon_session_renew, uuid_account_id=options.mysql_uuid_account_id) elif options.database == 'postgres': from postgresconnection import PostgresConnection return PostgresConnection(options.db_host, options.db_port or 5432, options.postgres_database, options.postgres_user, options.postgres_password, session_ttl=options.session_ttl, anon_session_ttl=options.anon_session_ttl, session_renew=options.session_renew, anon_session_renew=options.anon_session_renew, min_connections=options.postgres_min_connections, max_connections=options.postgres_max_connections) elif options.database == 'json': from jsondbconnection import JSONConnection # return JSONConnection(options.db_host, options.db_port, session_ttl=options.session_ttl, anon_session_ttl=options.anon_session_ttl, session_renew=options.session_renew, anon_session_renew=options.anon_session_renew) return InstancePool(JSONConnection(options.db_host, options.db_port, session_ttl=options.session_ttl, anon_session_ttl=options.anon_session_ttl, session_renew=options.session_renew, anon_session_renew=options.anon_session_renew)) else: from fakeconnection import FakeConnection return FakeConnection()
