import cPickle as pickle
import hmac
from hashlib import sha1
from uuid import uuid4
from base64 import b64encode
from toto.exceptions import *
[docs]class TotoAccount(object):
'''Instances of TotoAccount provide dictionary-like access to user account properties. Unlike
sessions, account properties are loaded directly from distinct fields in the database so if
you're not using a schemaless database you'll need to make sure the fields (columns) exist
in advance.
def __init__(self, session):
self._session = session
self._modified_properties = set()
self._properties = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self._properties:
return key in self._properties and self._properties[key] or None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._properties[key] = value
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._properties
def __iter__(self):
return self._properties.__iter__()
def iterkeys(self):
return self.__iter__()
[docs] def save(self):
'''Save any modified keys to the user account stored in the database.
[docs] def load_property(self, *args):
'''Load the properties passed to args. Properties will be dynamically loaded as they are accessed,
but if you know you'll be referencing multiple properties, it can be faster to load them in bulk
by passing all the keys you want to load as arguments to this method first.
loaded = self._load_property(*args)
for k in loaded:
self._properties[k] = loaded[k]
return self
def __str__(self):
return str({'properties': self._properties, 'modified': self._modified_properties})
def _load_property(self, *args):
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: _load_property")
def _save_property(self, *args):
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: _save_property")
[docs]class TotoSession(object):
'''Instances of ``TotoSession`` provide dictionary-like access to current session variables, and the current
account (if authenticated).
__serializer = pickle
def __init__(self, db, session_data, session_cache=None, key=None):
self._db = db
self._session_cache = session_cache
self.user_id = session_data['user_id']
self.expires = session_data['expires']
self.session_id = session_data['session_id']
self.state = session_data.get('state') and TotoSession.loads(session_data['state']) or {}
key = key or session_data.get('key')
self.key = key or None
[docs] def get_account(self, *args):
'''Load the account associated with this session (if authenticated). Session properties are
serialized to a binary string and stored as the ``TotoSession.state`` property, so you don't need to configure your database to handle them in
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: get_account")
def session_data(self):
'''Return a session data ``dict`` that could be used to instantiate a session identical to the current one.
data = {'user_id': self.user_id, 'expires': self.expires, 'session_id': self.session_id, 'state': TotoSession.dumps(self.state)}
if self.key:
data['key'] = self.key
return data
def __getitem__(self, key):
return key in self.state and self.state[key] or None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.state[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
if key in self.state:
del self.state[key]
def __iter__(self):
return self.state.__iter__()
def iterkeys():
return self.__iter__()
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.state
def __str__(self):
return str({'user_id': self.user_id, 'expires': self.expires, 'id': self.session_id, 'state': self.state})
def _refresh_cache(self):
if self._session_cache:
return self._session_cache.load_session(self.session_id)
return None
[docs] def refresh(self):
'''Refresh the current session to the state in the database.
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: refresh")
def _save_cache(self):
if self._session_cache:
updated_session_id = self._session_cache.store_session(self.session_data())
if updated_session_id:
self.session_id = updated_session_id
return True
return False
[docs] def save(self):
'''Save the session to the database.
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: save")
def verify(self, mac, signature):
'''Verify the mac and signature with this session's authenticated key.
if not self.key or not mac or not signature:
raise TotoException(ERROR_INVALID_HMAC, "Invalid HMAC")
if self.hmac(signature) != mac:
raise TotoException(ERROR_INVALID_HMAC, "Invalid HMAC")
return self
def hmac(self, signature):
'''Return the hmac of the signature signed with the authenticated key.
return b64encode(, signature, sha1).digest())
[docs] def set_serializer(cls, serializer):
'''Set the module that instances of ``TotoSession`` and ``TotoSessionCache`` will use to serialize session state. The module must implement ``loads`` and ``dumps``
and support serialization and deserialization of any data you want to store in the session.
By default, ``cPickle`` is used.
cls.__serializer = serializer
[docs] def loads(cls, data):
'''A convenience method to call ``serializer.loads()`` on the active serializer.
return cls.__serializer.loads(str(data))
[docs] def dumps(cls, data):
'''A convenience method to call ``serializer.dumps()`` on the active serializer.
return cls.__serializer.dumps(data)
[docs] def generate_id(cls):
'''Generate a random 22 character url safe session ID string.
return b64encode(uuid4().bytes, '-_')[:-2]
[docs]class TotoSessionCache(object):
'''Instances of ``TotoSessionCache`` allow for sessions to be stored separately from the main application database. As sessions must be retrieved
for each authenticated request, it can be useful to keep them in a specialized database (redis, memcached) separate from the rest of your data.
Note: cached sessions cannot currently be removed before their expiry.
[docs] def store_session(self, session_data):
'''Store a ``TotoSession`` with the given ``session_data``. ``session_data`` can be expected to contain, at a minimum, ``session_id`` and ``expires``.
If an existing session matches the ``session_id`` contained in ``session_data``, it should be overwritten. The session is expected to be removed
after the time specified by ``expires``. The storage implementation is allowed to change the session's ``session_id`` if needed by returning the new
id. Returning any falsey value will not affect the ``session_id``.
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: store_session")
[docs] def load_session(self, session_id):
'''Retrieve the session with the given ``session_id``. This method should return the ``session_data`` ``dict`` that was originally passed to
raise Exception("Unimplemented operation: retrieve_session")