import toto
import zmq
import cPickle as pickle
import zlib
import logging
from toto.exceptions import *
from toto.workerconnection import WorkerConnection
from threading import Thread
from tornado.options import options
from tornado.gen import Task
from collections import deque
from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import ZMQPoller, IOLoop, PeriodicCallback
from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream
from time import time
from uuid import uuid4
from traceback import format_exc
from toto.options import safe_define
[docs]class ZMQWorkerConnection(WorkerConnection):
'''Use a ``WorkerConnection`` to make RPCs to the remote worker service(s) or worker/router specified by ``address``.
``address`` may be either an enumerable of address strings or a string of comma separated addresses. RPC retries
and timeouts will happen by at most every ``abs(timeout)`` seconds when a periodic callback runs through all active
messages and checks for prolonged requests. This is also the default timeout for any new calls. ``timeout`` must not be
Optionally pass any object or module with ``compress`` and ``decompress`` methods as the ``compression`` parameter to
compress messages. The module must implement the same algorithm used on the worker service. By default, messages are not
Optionally pass any object or module with ``dumps`` and ``loads`` methods that convert an ``object`` to and from a
``str`` to replace the default ``cPickle`` serialization with a protocol of your choice.
Use ``auto_retry`` to specify whether or not messages should be retried by default. Retrying messages can cause substantial
congestion in your worker service. Use with caution.
def __init__(self, address, timeout=10.0, compression=None, serialization=None, auto_retry=False):
if not address:
self.active_connections = set()
elif isinstance(address, str):
self.active_connections = {i.strip() for i in address.split(',')}
self.active_connections = set(address)
self.message_address = 'inproc://WorkerConnection%s' % id(self)
self.__context = zmq.Context()
self.__queue_socket = self.__context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
self.__thread = None
self.__timeout = timeout
self.__callbacks = {}
self.__queued_messages = {}
self.__message_auto_retry = {}
self.__message_timeouts = {}
self.__ioloop = None
self.__auto_retry = auto_retry
self.loads = serialization and serialization.loads or pickle.loads
self.dumps = serialization and serialization.dumps or pickle.dumps
self.compress = compression and compression.compress or (lambda x: x)
self.decompress = compression and compression.decompress or (lambda x: x)
[docs] def invoke(self, method, parameters={}, callback=None, timeout=0, auto_retry=None, await=False):
'''Invoke a ``method`` to be run on a remote worker process with the given ``parameters``. If specified, ``callback`` will be
invoked with any response from the remote worker. By default the worker will timeout or retry based on the settings of the
current ``WorkerConnection`` but ``timeout`` and ``auto_retry`` can be used for invocation specific behavior.
Note: ``callback`` will be invoked with ``{'error': 'timeout'}`` on ``timeout`` if ``auto_retry`` is false. Invocations
set to retry will never timeout and will instead be re-sent until a response is received. This behavior can be useful for
critical operations but has the potential to cause substantial congestion in the worker system. Use with caution. Negative
values of ``timeout`` will prevent messages from ever expiring or retrying regardless of ``auto_retry``. The default
values of ``timeout`` and ``auto_retry`` cause a fallback to the values used to initialize ``WorkerConnection``.
Passing ``await=True`` will wrap the call in a ``tornado.gen.Task`` allowing you to ``yield`` the response from the worker.
The ``Task`` replaces ``callback`` so any user supplied callback will be ignored when ``await=True``.
Alternatively, you can invoke methods with ``WorkerConnection.<module>.<method>(*args, **kwargs)``
where ``"<module>.<method>"`` will be passed as the ``method`` argument to ``invoke()``.
if await:
return Task(lambda callback: self._queue_message(self.compress(self.dumps({'method': method, 'parameters': parameters})), callback, timeout, auto_retry))
self._queue_message(self.compress(self.dumps({'method': method, 'parameters': parameters})), callback, timeout, auto_retry)
[docs] def add_connection(self, address):
'''Connect to the worker at ``address``. Worker invocations will be round robin load balanced between all connected workers.'''
self._queue_message(address, command=WORKER_SOCKET_CONNECT)
[docs] def remove_connection(self, address):
'''Disconnect from the worker at ``address``. Worker invocations will be round robin load balanced between all connected workers.'''
self._queue_message(address, command=WORKER_SOCKET_DISCONNECT)
[docs] def set_connections(self, addresses):
'''A convenience method to set the connected addresses. A connection will be made to any new address included in the ``addresses``
enumerable and any currently connected address not included in ``addresses`` will be disconnected. If an address in ``addresses``
is already connected, it will not be affected.
addresses = set(addresses)
to_remove = self.active_connections - addresses
to_add = addresses - self.active_connections
for a in to_remove:
for a in to_add:
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__queued_messages)
def _queue_message(self, message, callback=None, timeout=0, auto_retry=None, command=''):
if not self.__ioloop:
message_id = str(uuid4())
if callback:
self.__callbacks[message_id] = callback
if timeout != 0:
self.__message_timeouts[message_id] = timeout
if auto_retry is not None:
self.__message_auto_retry[message_id] = auto_retry
self.__queue_socket.send_multipart((command, message_id, message))
def log_error(self, error):
def start(self):
if self.__ioloop:
def loop():
self.__ioloop = IOLoop()
queue_socket = self.__context.socket(zmq.PULL)
queue_stream = ZMQStream(queue_socket, self.__ioloop)
def receive_response(message, response_override=None):
self.__queued_messages.pop(message[1], None)
self.__message_timeouts.pop(message[1], None)
callback = self.__callbacks.pop(message[1], None)
if callback:
callback(response_override or self.loads(self.decompress(message[2])))
except Exception as e:
callback({'error': e})
def create_worker_stream():
def close_callback():'Worker stream closed')
worker_socket = self.__context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
for address in self.active_connections:
worker_stream = ZMQStream(worker_socket, self.__ioloop)
self._worker_stream = worker_stream
def queue_message(message):
if message[0]:
if message[0] == WORKER_SOCKET_CONNECT and message[2] not in self.active_connections:
elif message[0] == WORKER_SOCKET_DISCONNECT and message[2] in self.active_connections:
self.__queued_messages[message[1]] = (time(), message)
except IOError as e:
except Exception as e:
def timeout_message():
now = time()
for message, retry in [(item[1], self.__message_auto_retry.get(item[1][1], self.__auto_retry)) for item, t in ((i, self.__message_timeouts.get(i[1][1], self.__timeout)) for i in self.__queued_messages.itervalues()) if t >= 0 and (item[0] + t < now)]:
if retry:'Worker timeout, requeuing ' + message[1])
receive_response(('', message[1]), {'error': 'timeout'})
timeout_callback = PeriodicCallback(timeout_message, int(abs(self.__timeout * 1000.0)), io_loop = self.__ioloop)
self.__thread = None
self.__thread = Thread(target=loop)
self.__thread.daemon = True
def stop(self):
if self.__ioloop:
def join(self):
if self.__thread:
[docs] def instance(cls):
'''Returns the default instance of ``ZMQWorkerConnection`` as configured by the options prefixed
with ``worker_``, instantiating it if necessary. Import the ``workerconnection`` module within
your ``TotoService`` and run it with ``--help`` to see all available options.
if not hasattr(cls, '_instance'):
cls._instance = cls(options.worker_address, timeout=options.worker_timeout, compression=options.worker_compression_module and __import__(options.worker_compression_module), serialization=options.worker_serialization_module and __import__(options.worker_serialization_module), auto_retry=options.worker_auto_retry)
return cls._instance